No-/Low-Coding Technologie

Platform, modules and NLC applications for data- and document-intensive processes

The ESCRIBA Enterprise Compliance and Agility Platform (ECAP) is the most powerful No-/Low-Coding platform for data- and document-intensive processes. ECAP is a building kit that makes it easy to create, customize, and evolve applications. Not least for compliance and data protection reasons, we operate the platform in Germany.

The technical basis of ECAP is provided by AgileApps© from Software AG and Enterprise Document Services© from ESCRIBA AG. As strategic partners, we are constantly developing these technologies and adding new functionalities.
Learn more about NLC as a key technology for digitization

Extension modules for more NLC functionality

NLC functionality and performance of the ESCRIBA platform can be specifically extended by modules. With the NLC extension modules, we provide the best technology on the market (best of breed) for NLC applications. The number of extension modules is constantly growing. Currently, modules on Business Warehouse as well as extended Blockchain and IoT functionalities are planned. You are also welcome to suggest extension modules to us. Our We Code for You service offering is geared towards this. As a platform partner, you can also develop new NLC functionalities yourself and make them available on the platform via deep coding – Become an NLC partner.

NLC Products and App Families

NLC Products are applications that run on the ECAP platform and can be fully customized and extended via No/Low-Coding. NLC Products combine the advantages of classic product software with those of NLC software. The Marketplace provides a complete overview of all pre-packaged NLC Apps. Data used in one app is simultaneously available to all other apps. This makes it possible to comprehensively cover even complex subject areas by combining specialized NLC Apps – we call them App Families or NLC Suites. Our Marketplace provides access to all NLC Apps and Families.
As the leading NLC platform, ECAP is the ideal basis for implementing your ideas and mapping new digital offerings. We will be happy to advise you.