Lifetime Coach

Your personal Lifetime Coach will support you during and after an ESCRIBA training course in a project or individually according to your needs. Even after a booked support period, the Lifetime Coach remains your contact for technical questions or refers you to our ESCRIBA experts if required.

Accompanied designer change by the Lifetime Coach

The Lifetime Coach supports ESCRIBA designers during departmental changes and ensures a smooth transfer of knowledge.

Together with the senior designer, the existing system is analysed and future tasks of the new designer are discussed.

I had previously only had SAP training on the SAP training system. In my day-to-day work, it quickly became clear that this training was not effective, as many things are done differently and look different in my own system environment. In contrast to this, the accompanied look into one's own system as part of the Lifetime Coach is very helpful. Having an ESCRIBA expert look over your shoulder helps new designers in particular to find their way around and understand why existing documents were built the way they were.
New designer without previous experience

ESCRIBA Designer 1.8 ready check

The ESCRIBA Designer 1.8 ready check supports customers when upgrading to version 1.8.

A Lifetime Coach analyses the current system and offers services such as a document check or help with the transfer or creation of new documents. 60-minute sessions are held between the Lifetime Coach and the customer to analyse the system with regard to current and future projects. Depending on requirements, webinars or training sessions are offered with the Lifetime Coach to accompany the upgrade.

Do you need more information about our Lifetime Coach offers and conditions? You are welcome to contact us personally at any time.

Patrik Wass

Senior Consultant Training