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In the NLC Lab, we show you the diverse possibilities of no- and low-coding technology. We help you to further develop your ideas and visions and successfully turn them into reality. Use our experience room for no- and low-coding as an introduction to a new world of software development.
3-hour online workshop
Open format with max. 9 participants
No prerequisites required
1 to 3-day workshop
(online / hybrid / face-to-face)
Open or closed format with participants from related departments
Prerequisite: Basic understanding of NLC
Workshop series / retainer
(Online / Hybrid / Presence)
Closed format for a cross-functional team from your company
Prerequisites: Basic understanding of NLC and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your own company processes
Als zertifizierter Document Designer sind Sie Expert:in für die Automation und Qualitätssicherung von Dokumenten. Sie können das gesamte Spektrum unseres NLC-Moduls ESCRIBA Enterprise Document Services effektiv einsetzen und erstellen komplexe Dokumentvorlagen.
Nach Abschluss des Programms können Sie:
Coming soon:
Als zertifizierter NLC-App Designer beherrschen Sie den Baukasten der ESCRIBA Enterprise Compliance and Agility Platform (ECAP) und entwickeln eigene Datenbank- und Case Management Anwendungen. Sie sind Expert:in für die NLC-Werkzeuge zur Optimierung von daten- und dokumentintensiven Prozessen.
Nach Abschluss des Programms können Sie:
ESCRIBA stands for 25 years of living digitalisation in companies. Our heart beats for digital processes and scalable technologies, which we develop on our own no- and low-code platform. With this, we create groundbreaking results in a short time and bring your software world up to speed. Choose from our wide range of pre-packaged solutions or let us develop customised software for your personal use. more >>
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Simply register here for our e-mail distribution list.